When “why” is silent

Why? Why? Why? Do you ever want to know why? Right now why is on my mind?   Why?  Well, I think I have an idea at least in this moment, but a lot of times we want to know why and we don’t have an answer. Simon Sinek, the leadership author, tells us what toContinue reading "When “why” is silent"

Playing catch-up: How many holidays in one post?

It’s not your imagination if you’re thinking what in the world happened to Seeking Shalom.  This blog just completely disappeared off the map.  To our readers, I apologize for two weeks of silence.  I have been struggling with auto-immune issues and trying to stay afloat in my grad school responsibilities and Jay has been busyContinue reading "Playing catch-up: How many holidays in one post?"

Five Tips To Surviving Your Spouse Being Away

Carissa is at Liberty University this week taking another class as she works towards her master’s degree in counseling.  This isn’t the first time she taken a class like this, and as a result, I’ve had some practice at parenting when she is away.  The truth is, just because mom is away doesn’t mean theContinue reading "Five Tips To Surviving Your Spouse Being Away"

Making time for who’s important

365 days in a year, twelve months in a year, 30 days in a month, 7 days in a week, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute.  We are all given the same amount of time in any given day, week, month, or year.  We all haveContinue reading "Making time for who’s important"

In the beginning…

When this idea entered my head a few months ago, I at first dismissed it at completely insane.  Follow Jewish traditions and customs and holidays for a year?  Why would a Christian pastor’s family decide to do this?  Surely there is no need.  Why make life more complicated than it already is?  Why do IContinue reading "In the beginning…"