Five Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Everyone knows how important it is to get a good night’s sleep. However, for many women sleep can prove to be elusive. When a women’s hormones are out of balance it can cause sleep disturbances; the reverse is also true: not getting enough sleep can cause hormones to become unbalanced. This can lead to a frustrating cycle that leaves one feeling exhausted. Here are five natural ways to improve your sleep.

  1. Establish a Sleep Ritual. There is a reason that we read our children a bedtime story after giving them a bath and brushing their teeth. Having a predictable routine in the evenings can prepare our bodies and minds for a restful night’s sleep. Try incorporating some of your favorite stress releasing practices such as having a cup of tea (but not if it’s caffeinated (see point 3– try a herbal tea such as rooibos tea), a warm bath, reading a book, or journaling and prayer.
  2. A White noise machine White noise can be very useful to cover up loud noises in your environment. If you need to sleep earlier than the rest of your household, this machine can be useful because it broadcasts all of the frequencies of sound at similar intensities. An overhead fan can also mask other noises as well as keeping the sleeping area cool.
  3. Avoid caffeine after noon. Yes, I really mean no caffeine anytime after noon. Although caffeine has a half-life of 3-5 hours, the remaining caffeine can remain in your system for quite a long time. One study found that even having caffeine six hours ahead of your bed time can reduce sleep time by an hour! I used to think that caffeine didn’t affect me. But once I eliminated all caffeine in the afternoon and evening, I discovered that my sleep improved!
  4. Get enough exercise. If you are struggling with your sleep, perhaps you are not tired. Exercise can help use up some excess energy that may be keeping you awake at night. However, be sure to exercise at least four hours before heading to bed, otherwise, exercise may have the opposite affect. And a bonus if you’re trying to balance your hormones– exercise can help with that too!
  5. Use essential oils to promote sleep. Essential oils have been used for centuries to help relax and calm oneself. Essential oils can be diffused or applied topically to get a restful night’s sleep. Some oils that I have found helpful include lavender, cedarwood, vetiver, frankincense, Rutavala, Peace and Calming, Valor, ravintsara, clary sage, bergamot, and Roman chamomile. Click here for my favorite sleep recipes for my diffuser.

Published by Carissa Beard

Mother of four, wife of one, follower of Jesus, lover of life. Follow me on Instagram @carissa.beard

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