Five Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Everyone knows how important it is to get a good night’s sleep. However, for many women sleep can prove to be elusive. When a women’s hormones are out of balance it can cause sleep disturbances; the reverse is also true: not getting enough sleep can cause hormones to become unbalanced. This can lead to aContinueContinue reading “Five Ways to Improve Your Sleep”

Why is cutting sugar important as a perimenopausal woman?

Day 3 of no sugar. I’m pleasantly surprised that I haven’t had nearly as many cravings for sugar as I’ve anticipated. I have candy and ice cream in my house (I have four kids after all!) but so far so good! I’m eating lots of protein and quality carbohydrates (lots of veggies!), so I thinkContinueContinue reading “Why is cutting sugar important as a perimenopausal woman?”